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Youth Group

We are so incredibly excited that you are considering sending your child to Hope Youth Group! We strive for uplifting fellowship, and a deepening of their relationship with God through knowing Jesus Christ. â€‹Each night will consist of games for fellowship followed by teaching and discussion for spiritual growth. Check out our values below for more insight. 

Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm

at Hope Church



Meet The Team

Our Values


  1. Youth participation in the broader church - We want youth to embrace the necessity of the church in their lives and the church to embrace the necessity of youth in its life.

  2. Parental leadership in their child's spiritual growth – we want to assist parents in the discipleship of their youth. We should not be their replacement.

  3. Discipleship - Discipleship should happen through varied relationships between parents, volunteer leaders, and peers.

  4. Community growth - God never calls us to grow in isolation. Iron sharpens iron, isolation does not.

  5. Equipping youth and parents - We are committed to focusing on equipping youth and their parents spiritually, not simply entertaining youth.

  6. The centrality of the Gospel in all things – we want all of our teaching to reflect and proclaim the grace of Christ and our desperate need for Him. All of Scripture is moving to and through Christ and our time together should reflect that truth.

  7. A missional focus - Theological understanding and exposure is important but it means little when it doesn't move us to action. We must be proclaiming Christ in both word and deed to the world, in our schools, work, and spheres of influence.

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